Tecnica mista / Mixed media
cm 250x250x30
The Gold Rush

The Gold Rush 2007-2008
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Tecnica mista / Mixed media
120 x 120 x 40 cm

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2007
Tecnica mista / Mixed media
250X250X40 cm

Eden 2005
Piano Regolatore Generale /
Urban Development Project
2004 – 2005
Tecnica mista / Mixed media
Dim.256X372X40 cm
Collezione Privata / Private Collection
Un plastico architettonico surreale composto da una moltitudine di beni di consumo. Attraverso le finestre delle scatole/edifici si vedono immagini religiose, politiche, erotiche e di cronaca. Lunghi codici a barre disegnano il sistema stradale e svariate cannucce lo illuminano simulando i lampioni.
A surreal architectural model composed of a multitude of boxes of consumer goods. Through the windows in the boxes/buildings it is possible to see various images religious, political, erotic or related to the news. The roads are formed by long bar codes, while drinking straws simulate lamp-posts.

PRG 2004 – 2005
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PRG 2004 – 2005
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PRG Melting Pot 2004/2005
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PRG Il Sacro Monte 2004/2005
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PRG Little Italy 2004/2005
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PRG Quartiere a Luci Rosse 2005
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PRG Cecchino 2005
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